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Industrial Waste Water, Minerals and Oil

Residues containing oil are created wherever oil is extracted or processed. Decanters, separators, 3-phase centrifuges, and filter presses offer an environmentally friendly solution to the following applications in the processing industry:

  • Processing of sand washing water and gravel wash water
  • Cleaning wastewater and exhaust gases in steelworks
  • Cleaning and processing of tar in coking steel plants
  • Tar separation and tar cleaning
  • Processing of wastewater containing oil
  • Processing of oil sludge from ponds and lagoons
  • Processing of residues containing oil from the cleaning of crude oil tanks
  • Processing of drilling slurry, drilling emulsion and drilling muds
  • Processing of ore and minerals

Decanters are used worldwide in the steel industry and are an important constituent in the cleaning of various exhaust gases and wastewater in steelworks:

  • Furnace gas cleaning
  • Converter gas dedusting
  • Scale slurry processing
  • Pickling slurry processing
  • Sewage slurry processing
  • Water circuit cleaning

During processing of tar in coking plants, decanters separate the solid impurities out of the raw tar. The cleaned tar contains less than 0.3% quinolin. The separated solid has a total dry solids of approx. 33 – 40% and its consistency is between clumpy and almost solid.

Decanters and separators and 3-phase machines process different residues containing oil.

Euroby supplies centrifuges that are used in the:

  • Processing of wastewater containing oil
  • Processing of oil sludge from ponds and lagoons
  • Processing of residues containing oil from the cleaning of crude oil tanks

In drilling – all substances that have entered the emulsion during drilling applications are separated out when processing drilling slurry, drilling emulsion and drilling muds; while riddle screens and hydrocyclones separate coarse-grained particles, the decanter deals with the small particles.

In mining, decanters can be used in numerous applications involving processing minerals and ores.


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